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The Gravestones |
Name | Inscription | Photograph |
No info | There is no further information yet collected for this memorial or person | not applicable | |
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Elizabeth Adams | To the memory of ELIZABETH, wife of RICHARD ADAMS of Wartnaby in this county and daughter of JOHN & ANN STOKES of this parish who died Oct 19th 1818 aged 29 years "Oh cruel death that would not be deny'd. That broke the bands of love so lately ty'd. Let none suppose they can repent too soon, I found it night before I thought it noon; Forty three weeks a wife, And but one day a mother; Then death did say come, come away, Leave your infant to some other" | photograph not yet available | |
William Adams | To the memory of WILLIAM ADAMS son of RICHd & ELIZh ADAMS who died May 7th 1837 aged 18 years "No trust in life, on firmer ground he stood, His hope was founded on a saviour's blood Christ in the promise ardently he sought, And now with myriad of the ransomed race---" | photograph not yet available | |
Maria Alcock | Sacred to the memory of MARIA, wife of JOHN ALCOCK and daughter of RICHd & MARY STEVENS who died Jan XIII 1877 aged 25 years "Farewell my tender friends and husband dear I am not really dead, but sleeping here. Mourn not for me your grief --" | photograph not yet available | |
Freeling Henry Allen | In loving memory of PTE. FREELING HENRY the beloved son of THOMAS & ALICE EMMA ALLEN who died at Catterick Military Hospital Nov 27th 1918 aged 19 years "Peace perfect peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Emily Jane Andrews | In affectionate remembrance of EMILY JANE relict of ALEXANDER ANDREWS Esq. of Stoke Newington who died February XXth 1876 aged 36 years also MARTHA CAROLINE sister of the above Emily Jane Andrews who died May XXVIth 1854 aged 19 years "He knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust" Psalm ciii 14 | photograph not yet available | |
William Barwell | In memory of WILLm BARWELL who died May 10th 1842 aged 52 years "Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth" also MARY his wife who died May 17th 1857 aged 77 years "Set then house in order for thou shalt die, and not.." | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Bird | In loving memory of ELIZABETH BIRD who died July 28th 1907 in her 86th year "and the work of the righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever." Isaiah 32. 17 | photograph not yet available | |
John Bissil | to memory of JOHN BISSIL who died Aug 20th 1850 aged 86 years also ELIZth wife of the above who died Sept 23rd 1817 aged 52 years | photograph not yet available | |
William Brewster | memory of WILLIAM son of THOS and MARY BREWSTER?who died March ye 4th 1747 8 in the--- | photograph not yet available | |
Robert Brown | In remembrance of ROBERT BROWN who died April 7th 1854 aged 56 years also MARY his wife who died July 23rd 1862 aged 84 years "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth"Prov.XXVII 1st | photograph not yet available | |
Augustus Burton | In affectionate remembrance of AUGUSTUS & ROB BURTON sons of JOHN & MARY ROUSE AUGUSTUS died July 24th 1866 aged 25 years & was interred at PLUMBER, MURCER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, AMERICA ROBERT BURTON died December 26th 1870 aged 19 years "Their sun is gone down while it was yet day" | photograph not yet available | |
Samuel Burton | In loving memory of SAMUEL BURTON who died June 28th 1877 aged 55 years "be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the son of man cometh"Matt xxiv 44 also SUSANNAH widow of the above who died March 3rd 1898 aged 77 years "to depart and to be with Christ, which is for better" | photograph not yet available | |
William Augustus Callaghan | Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS CALLAGHAN who passed quietly away Jan7th 1926 aged 75 years Late Lieut 66th Rifles Regt and son of the late Captain FREDERICK MARCUS CALLAGHAN 60th Rifles, JP County Cork | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Campion | (set in chancel floor) are the dead who die in the Lord Here lyeth interred the body of THOMAS CAMPION Deceased who departed this life January the 31st day AD 1702 His age was 38 years | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas William Caunt | In ever loving memory of THOMAS WILLIAM CAUNT the dearly beloved husband of ELIZA CAUNT who died June 29th 1912 aged 58 years "Be ye therefore ready also, for the son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not" also ELIZA CAUNT his beloved wife who fell asleep Aug 15th 1939 aged 83 years "Asleep in Jesus" | photograph not yet available | |
William Chamberlain | In memory of WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN who died April the 26th 1744 aged 53 and also in memory of WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN son of the above and who died March xxiith 1759 aged 37? | photograph not yet available | |
John Clifft | here lyeth interred the body of JOHN CLIFFT who departed thislife April 11th anno domino 1731 | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Cooper | In loving memory of SARAH the beloved wife of JOHN COOPER who died Dec 21st 1919 aged 69 years also JOHN WRIGHT father of the above who died July 23rd 1913 aged 88 years "Thy will be done" | photograph not yet available | |
Frances Corner | To the memory of FRANCES the wife of JOHN CORNER who departed this life May 25th 1812 aged 62 | photograph not yet available | |
John Corner | In memory of JOHN CORNER who departed this mortal life June 20th 1836 aged 54 years "Reader be wise! Remember judgement, Prepare to meet thy God" | photograph not yet available | |
John Corner | sacred to the memory of JOHN CORNER who departed | photograph not yet available | |
Robert Corner | in loving memory of ROBERT CORNER who died Feb 19th 1889 aged 78 years also of MARY the beloved wife of the above who died April 28th 1876 aged 64 years "may we all meet in heaven" also of MARY LITTLER daughter of the above who died Sept 7th 1922 aged 80 years | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Corner | In memory of SARAH, wife of JOHN CORNER who died January 2nd 1869 aged 78 years | photograph not yet available | |
Alice Daft | In memory of ALICE daughr of JOHN & ANN STOKES and relict of STEPHEN DAFT who died Nov 3rd 1877 aged 92 years | photograph not yet available | |
Stephen Daft | In loving memory of STEPHEN DAFT who died Nov 5th 1916 aged 74 years "Father in they gracious keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping" | photograph not yet available | |
Edith Ellen Dewey | In loving memory of EDITH ELLEN DEWEY Sept 27th 1884 - June 6th 1969 also GEORGE ERNEST Jan 2nd 1883 - Aug 13th 1973 | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Dilke | (set in chancel floor) here lieth the body of Mrs ELIZABETH DILKE Obiit December ye 16th 1761 Aetatis 80 | photograph not yet available | |
Hannah Edgson | In loving memory of HANNAH dearly beloved wife of EDWARD EDGSON who entered into rest June 24th 1919 aged 72 "Safe in the home land" also of EDWARD beloved husband of the above who entered into rest Oct 21st. 1926 aged 82 "Reunited" | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Edgson | In loving memory of three beloved children of EDWARD & HANNAH EDGSON MARY died June 22nd 1875 aged 4 years &9 months LILLIAS ELIZABETH died Dec 15th 1893 aged 6 years ADDIE KATE died Dec 2 1983 aged 4 years & 4 months | photograph not yet available | |
Betsy Fillingham | In loving memory of BETSY FILLINGHAM who died Aug 6th 1907 aged 55 years "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit" also of JOSEPH FILLINGHAM brother of the above who died Jan 27th 1852 aged 8 years "Suffer little children to come unto me" also of ANN MANTLE sister of the above who died Jan 2nd 1924 aged 75 years | photograph not yet available | |
Katurah Fillingham | In remembrance of KATURAH, widow of WILL G FILLINGHAM born July 8th 1816 died July 18th 1896 "blessed are the dead which died in the Lord" | photograph not yet available | |
William G Fillingham | In remembrance of WILL. G FILLINGHAM born August 3rd 1815 died January 23rd 1857 "Till I come" 1 Tim iv 13 | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Gale | To the memory of MARY the wife of ?EDWARD GALE, she died ?October 20th 1767 aged 35 ?also JOHN GALE son of ?EDWARD and MARY GALE -d January 16th 1785 ?aged 26 years | photograph not yet available | |
William Garrett | Mors Janu here lieth in hope of glorious ressrrection the body of WILLm GARRATT | photograph not yet available | |
? Garratt | here lieth the bodyof ??GARRATT who departed September the ? 175? Aged 6? | photograph not yet available | |
John Glenn | Sacred to the memory of JOHN GLENN who died Aug 22nd 1879 aged 73 years "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" also HENRIETTA wife of the above who died Jan 26th 1891 aged 70 years "Thy will be done" | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Glenn | To the memory of JOSEPH GLENN who died February 16th 1820 aged 38 years also FRANCES wife of the above who died May 31st 1841 aged 58 years | photograph not yet available | |
Ralph Glenn | In loving memory of RALPH GLENN only son of J A & E G E GLENN who died Dec 4th 1905 aged 25 years "Served as an imperial yeoman in the South African War" in loving memory of JOSEPH ATTEWELL GLENN died Feb 13th 1912 aged 68 years "Served in the colonial forces throughout the Maori War 1860-1870" in loving memory of CARRIE wife of ALAN TATTAH and daughter of J A & E G E GLENN who died DEc 13th 1942 aged 64 years also of MARGARET ANNA GLENN died Oct 1st 1950 aged 73 years also of ELIZA GEORGINA ELLEN wife of J A GLENN died July 29th 1944 aged 92 years | photograph not yet available | |
Alice Godfrey | here lieth ye body of ALICE wife of FRANCIS GODFREY who departed this life March the 13? 1730 in the 78 year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Dorothy Godfrey | In memory DOROTHY wife of ?GODFREY who died July ye 14 1763 aged 32 | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Godfrey | Here lieth ye body of ELIZABETH the wife of FRANCIS GODFREY who departed this life the 6th day of Octo 1748 aged 57 years | photograph not yet available | |
Francis Godfrey | here lieth ye body of FRANCIS ?GODFREY? departed this life October ?12 1726? aged 87? Years | photograph not yet available | |
Francis Godfrey | In memory of FRANCIS GODFREY who departed this life the 21st day of August in the year of our Lord MDCCLXVI aged 78 years "Now I have ended all my toilful years And also banished from ye worldly care For to lie here, in this cold bed of clay To meet the bridegroom ye tribunal day" | photograph not yet available | |
Francis Godfrey | To the memory of FRANCIS GODFREY who departed September 12th in the year 1779 aged 49 To the memory of ANN the wife of FRANCIS GODFREY who died July 1st in the year 1813 aged 84 "When death is sent from God.." | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Godfrey | In memory of THOMAS son of ?RICHARD & ELIZABETH GODFREY who died July the 28th 1757 aged ?24 years | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Goodson | Sacred to the memory of RICHARD GOODSON and ANN his wife she died Sept 16th 1791 aged 47 years he died May 11th 1811 aged 67 years also JAMES son of the above who died April 15th 1835 aged 46 years "A sudden change, In a moment fell I had no time to bid my friends farewell There's nothing strange, death happens with all, My lot today, tomorrow thine may fall" | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Goodson | In affectionate remembrance of RICHARD GOODSON who died Oct 2nd 1856 aged 73 years also ANN & MARY, daughters of RICHARD & FRANCIS GOODSON ANN died July 1834 aged 14 years MARY died July 1834 aged 10 years | photograph not yet available | |
Ernest Walter Hallam | In loving memory of ERNEST WALTER the beloved son of GEORGE & MARY ELIZth HALLAM killed in France, Oct 27th 1917 aged 22 years "Thy will be done" also JOHN WILLIAM brother of the above died March 2nd 1917 aged 9 years "Safe in the arms of Jesus" and KATHLEEN sister of the above died Nov 9th 1906, aged 11 months "For as such is the kingdom of heaven" | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Hayden | In affectionate remembrance of HENRY the beloved husband of JANE HAYDEN who died at Hose Tunnel September XVth 1878 aged 48 years "In the --- | photograph not yet available | |
Harry Hill | In loving memory of HARRY HILL the beloved son of JAMES & SUSAN HILL who died Sept 16th 1880 aged 2 years and 5 months "Safe in the arms of Jesus" | photograph not yet available | |
John Hives | Sacred to the memory of JOHN HIVES and ANN his wife he died March 17th 1815 aged 79 years she died June 13th 1805 aged 63 years also RICHARD their son who departed this life Dec 3rd 1800 aged 19 years | photograph not yet available | |
George Hives | "as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" 1 Cor XV CH Erected to the memory of GEORGE HIVES who departed this life Jan 8th 1830 aged 59 years also 5 children of the above by MARY his wife ELIZth died Sept 17th 1816 aged 16 years RICHd died Aug 21st 1821 aged 18 years TIMOTHY died Sept 19th 1814 aged 8 years RUTH died March 30th 1815 aged 4 years THOMAS died May 16th 1819 in his infancy "Life is given to be improved, In a moment tis removed, Faithfully discharge thy trust" | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Maria Holmes | In remembrance of SARAH MARIA daughter of JOSh & LUCY HOLMES who died Jan 15th 1867 aged 9 years also MARY ANN who died March 5th 1855 in her infancy "as such is the kingdom of heaven" | photograph not yet available | |
Edward Hourd | In loving memory of EDWARD HOURD who died Sept 16th 1872 aged 39 years also of MARY MARIA wife of the above who died Jan 4th 1897 aged 65 years "The weary are at rest" | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Custer Hourd | To the memory of HENRY ?CUSTER HOURD son of WILLm & ELIZth HOURD who died April 14th 1848 aged 26 years also MARY ANN daughr of the above who died October 5th 1850 aged 30 years | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Hourd | In memory of MARY the wife of RICHARD HOURD who departed this life the 15th day of March 1811 in the 56th year of her age also ALICE the daughter of the aforesaid, who died Sept 22nd 1780 aged 4 years likewise WILLm & RICHd sons of the aforesaid who died in their infancy "Oh cruel death that would so.. | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Ann Hourd | To the memory of MARY ANN, wife of WILLIAM HOURD who departed this life Dec 14th 1834 aged 38 years "Pale death could hardly find another So good a wife, so kind a mother In all her actions.." | photograph not yet available | |
Matthew Hourd | Sacred to the memory of MATTHEW HOURD who died April 13th 1848 aged 75 years also MARY his wife who died Jan 24th 1850 aged 75 years | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Hourd | here lieth interr'd the bodies of RICHARD HOURD and MARY his wife she died December the 9th 1774 aged 59 years he died October the 26th 1795 aged 78 years | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Hourd | In memory of RICHARD HOURD who departed this life the 19th day of December 1811 in the 63rd year of his age "Afflictions sore, long time I bore Physicians skill were vain But God above did me remove And took me from my pain" | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Hurd | here lieth ye body of RICHARD HURD who departed Nov 17?9 aged 17 years | photograph not yet available | |
Francis Huckerby | In affectionate remembrance of FRANCIS HUCKERBY who died April 30th 1886 aged 79 years also MARY MARIA relict of the above who died June 14th 1888 aged 79 years "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh" | photograph not yet available | |
James Huckerby | Erected to the memory of JAMES HUCKERBY who died Jan 15th 1822 aged 57 years also ELIZABETH wife of the above who died April 12th 1840 aged 75 years "May they rest in peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Jane Huckerby | In affectionate Remembrance of JANE the beloved daughter of FRANCIS and MARIA HUCKERBY who died Sep XXVIIth 1876 aged 26 years also ANN their daughter who died July XIVth 1843 aged 2 years "The tint of health has left her cheek And cold is her fair brow; Her eyes are closed, her pulse is still, She is an angel now. Alas! How changed that lovely flower, Which bloomed and cheered our hearts. Fair fleeting comforts of an hour How soon we're called to part" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Huckerby | In memory of THOs HUCKERBY who died Aug 30th 1879 aged 77 years also ANN relict of the above who died Mar 18th 1881 aged 72 years DINAH their daughter died May 13th 1849 aged 11 years and SARAH in her infancy | photograph not yet available | |
Kezia Hyne | To the memory of KEZIA HYNE wife of JOHN GLENN, who died Feb 23rd 1865 aged 46 years and was buried at the east end of St. Mary's Church Kidderminster also PHILIP HYNE, son of the above who died July 13th 1870 aged 30 years and was buried in Newington cemetery, Edinburgh | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Ann Isaac | In affectionate remembrance of MARY ANN ISAAC died July 11th 1901 aged 58 years "and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death" Rev 21 4 | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah James | S. J. 1879 | ![]() | |
William James | W. J. 1870 | ![]() | |
William James | In remembrance of WILLIAM JAMES who died Sep 4th 1870 aged 84 years also SARAH relict of the above who died March 5th 1879 aged 88 years "Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" Matt c24 v42 | ![]() | |
Annie Jesson | In affectionate remembrance of one daughter and six sons of EDWd & LETITIA JESSON ANNIE, who died May 27th 1861 aged 4 days FRANCIS April 12th 1862 aged 5 weeks THOMAS June 7th 1863 aged 5 weeks JOHN EDWd Dec 23rd 1867 aged 5 weeks ARTHUR March the 10th 1868 Aged 2 years & 3 months EDWARD March the 20th 1871 aged 7 months FRAN. EDWd Dec the 28th 1871 aged 6 weeks "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for as such is the kingdom of heaven---" | photograph not yet available | |
Letitia Jesson | In affectionate remembrance of LETITIA, wife of EDWd JESSON who died JANUARY 28th 1883 aged 43 years "her end was peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Johnson | Here li.. Body of RICHARD JOHNSON who departed --- | photograph not yet available | |
Edward Julian | In ever loving memory of EDWARD JULIAN who died Feb 28th 1918 aged 83 years also of MARY wife of the above who died March 1918 aged 88? Years ALFRED MORRIS RAYNES died 1??7 WILLIAM FILLINGHAM RAYNES died Nov 27 1916 | photograph not yet available | |
?Richard Julian | the--- ?d Julian by Ann his wife who departed this life December 3rd 1709 and in ??2 year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Julian | Here lyeth the body of RICHARD JULIAN the husband of ANN JULIAN he departed this life Januatry ye 4th Anno Domini 1720 and in the 43rd year of his age Here lyeth also the body of ANN JULIAN wife of RICHARD JULIAN who departed this life March ye 5th Anno Domini 1710 and in the 33rd year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Julian | ?Julian? | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Kelham | here lieth the body of SARAH the wife of RICHARD KELHAM who died May the 18th 1748. Aged 33 years "To grieve for me alas, it is in vain For your great loss is my eternal gain My peace with God I hope I made before I am gone hence & shall be seen no more" | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Key | In loving memory of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of ARTHUR KEY who died at Netherfield August 23rd 1901 aged 42 years "We could not Lord, thy purpose see, But all is well that's done by thee" | photograph not yet available | |
George King | In loving memory of GEORGE KING who died May 15th 1905 aged 60 years Awake, arise,rejoice also ANN MARIA wife of the above who died Jan 15th 1934 aged 84 years "peace, perfect peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Ester Lamin | Sacred to the memory of ESTER, relict of HENRY LAMIN who died April 28th 1872 aged 8.? years | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Ester Lamin | In affectionate remembrance of MARY ESTER?only daughter of HENRY & SARAH LAMIN who died at Sutton-in-Ashfield Feb XXI 1863 aged 16 years "Why weepest thou, this sorrowÉ" | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Lamin | To the memory of HENRY LAMIN who departed this transitory life in hope of joyful resurrection the 24th day of Oct 1808 aged 72 years "Farewell my wife and children dear While I at peace and rest lie here I'd have you all from vice be free That you in peace may follow me" To the memory of ANN, wife of HENRY LAMIN who departed this life in hope of joyful resurrection the 27th day of March 1815 aged 71 years "With grief and pain I long complained And sorely was oppressed But God above did me remove And took me to his rest" | ![]() | |
Henry Lamin | Sacred to the memory of HENRY LAMIN who died May 6th 1844 aged 74 years "Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" Matt 24.42 | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Lamin | In affectionate remembrance of HENRY LAMIN who departed this life Oct 16th 1861 aged 52 years "As for man, his days are a grassas a flower in the field, so he flourisheth for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shallÉ | photograph not yet available | |
William Thomas Lamin | In loving memory of WILLIAM THOMAS LAMIN of Hose Lodge died Oct 6th 1901 aged 74 years "We trust in God to meet again" also EMILY beloved wife of W T LAMIN died Feb 17th 1909 also THOMAS beloved son died June 9th 1885 aged 26 years | photograph not yet available | |
Charlotte Lovegrove | In affectionate remembrance of CHARLOTTE the beloved wife of JOHN LOVEGROVE of Hose who died April 21st 1861 aged 52 years after a long and painful illness "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Lovell | Here lieth body of THOMAS LOVELL who departed this life AprilÉ | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Mack | In loving memory of ELIZABETH MACK the dear beloved daughter of JOHN & CHARLOTTE MANN who died Dec 21st 1919 aged 22 years "He giveth his beloved sleep" | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Mann | Here lies interred the body of ELIZABETH the wife of WILLIAM ?MANN she departed this life February 18th 1763 aged 48 "Beholder Take time while it doth serve, 'tis time today But secret dangers still attend delay. | photograph not yet available | |
John Cammark Mann | In loving memory of JOHN CAMMARK MANN who died March 10th 1927 aged 65 years "His end was peace" also of CHARLOTTE beloved wife of the above who died March 9th 1930 aged 68 years "Thy will be done" | photograph not yet available | |
William Mann | In loving memory of WILLIAM MANN? died April 24th 1779 in the 62 year of his age "Intombe'd beneath his body here remains Free from the sorrows of his lingring pains and may his soul ascend with soaring flight to the joyous regions of eternal light | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Mantle | here lieth interred the body of HENRY MANTLE who departed this life September 24th 1781 aged 56 years "He was a man of honest life A quiet neighbour" | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Mantle | here lieth interred the body of MARY the wife of HENRY MANTLE who departed this life August 24th 1799 aged 58 years "Afflictions of the sharpest kind, In mercy God didÉ | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Mantle | To the memory of THOMAS the son of Joseph & MARY MANTLE who died 16th Feb 1814 aged 29 years "Turn from sin, the saviour love Trust in him, and dwell above" | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Marriott | Aged 5 ELIZABETH the daughter of RICHARD MARRIOT and DOROTHY his wife died Oct 27th 1699 | photograph not yet available | |
John Marriott | in affectionate remembrance of JOHN, son of WILLm & DINAH MARRIOTT who died Dec 2nd 1871 aged 21 years "We cannot, Lord, thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Marriott | To the memory of THOMAS MARRIOTT and FRANCES his wife she died September 25th 1773 aged 50 years he died January 11th 1794 aged 69 years also MARY daughter of the above said THOs & FRANCES MARRIOTT died July 3rd 1785 aged 34 years likewise SAMUEL son of the above said THOMAS & FRANCES MARRIOTT | photograph not yet available | |
William Marriott | To the memory of WILLm MARRIOTT who departed this life Jan XXIst 1874 aged 57 years "We cannot Lord thy purpose see but all is well thats done by thee To the memory of MARY wife of WILLIAM MARRIOTT died Dec 1st 1850 ALFRED son of the above died Dec 7th 1850 aged 7 years MARY daughter of the above died Jan 14th 1851 aged 5 years | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Morley | In affectionate remembrance of JOSEPH MORLEY who died at WYCOMBE May 21st 1873 aged 54 years | photograph not yet available | |
Ester Musson | This stone is erected in affectionate memorial of ESTER, wife of WILLIAM MUSSON and relict of SAMUEL MANTLE who departed this life February 18th 1818 aged 72 yars "Near this stone lies the sacred dust Of one who was both good and just; A faithful friend, a mother kind Great loss to those she's left behind" | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Musson | here lieth the bodies of HENRY MUSSON and MARY his wife she died January 5th 1769 aged 60 years he died July 9th 1779 aged 77 years 1 COR XV 57-58 "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable, always" | photograph not yet available | |
James Musson | Erected to the memory of JAMES MUSSON who departed this life the 30th day of June 1827 in the 60th year of his age | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Musson | Erected to the memory of SARAH, wife of JAMES MUSSON who departed this life the 26th April 1816 in the 45th year of her age "I was so long with pain oppressed, That wore my strength away; It made me long for endless rest" | ![]() | |
Sarah Musson | To the memory of SARAH the wife of JOHN MUSSON died Dec 12th 1849 aged 64 years also FRANCES daughter of the above and wife of ROBt DRAKE died March 20th 1849 aged 21 years "In the midst of life we are left in death" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Musson | Erected to the memory of THOMAS MUSSON who departed this life the 3rd of Feby 1814 aged 67 years also ELIZABETH his wife who departed this life the 12th of Jany 1799 in the 56th year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Ann Orson | Here lieth the body of ANN ORSON, wife of RICHARD ORSON who departed this life March 1742 aged 53 years likewise JOHN ORSON son of RICHARD ORSON & ANN his wife who departed this life August AD 1736 aged XXII | photograph not yet available | |
Alice Parnham | here lieth ye body of ALICE, wife of HENRY PARNHAM? who departed this life August 17?? In ? Year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Parnham | here lieth ye body of HENRY husband of ALICE? PARNHAM ..departed this life March ?ye 21st 1726? In ye 78? Year of his age? | photograph not yet available | |
John Parnham | ECCE here lieth the earthly remains and in hope of a joyful resurrection, the body of JOHN PARNHAM who departed this life August the 30th 1762 in the 71st year of his age | photograph not yet available | |
James Pears | In affectionate remembrance of JAMES PEARS who died January 11th 1868 aged 65 years HANNAH his wife died Oct 4th 1875 aged 58 years also two children of the above HENRY who died Aug 17th 1861 aged 23 years and SARAH who died Feb 9th 1852 in the second year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Pears | To the memory of MARY the daughter of JOHN and TACEY PEARS who died Sept 4th 1818 aged 14 years | photograph not yet available | |
Tacy Pears | In memory of TACY the wife of JOHN PEARS who departed this mortal life April 23rd 1839 aged 65 years "She lived beloved'and died lamented" In memory of JOHN PEARS who departed this mortal life Feb 1st 1852 aged 80 years "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright; For the end of that man is peace" | photograph not yet available | |
William Piggin | In loving memory of WILLIAM PIGGIN? who died July 188? aged 66 years "In the midst of life we are in death" | photograph not yet available | |
Benjamin Philpotts | In loving memory of BENJAMIN PHILPOTTS who died Dec 17th 1927 aged 79 years "After labour, rest" Also of FRANCES wife of the above who died Nov 12th 1888 aged 42 years "The tint of health has left her cheek And cold is her fair brow; Her eyes are closed, her pulse is still, She lies in glory now." | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Elizabeth Preston | In loving memory of SARAH ELIZth PRESTON who entered into rest December 25th 1905 aged 50 years "thy will be done" | photograph not yet available | |
James Rouse | In affectionate remembrance of JAMES ROUSE who died August 1873 aged 87 years also SARAH relict of the above who died Dec XII 1874 aged 69 years | photograph not yet available | |
John Rouse | ?body of JOHN ROUSE departed this day of January 1786 aged 8? Years the body of MARY the wife of JOHN ROUSE she departed ? the ? Day of January 1737 aged 26 years register refers to Mary buried Dec 30th and THOS ROUSE (an infant) buried January 30th | photograph not yet available | |
John Rouse | This stone is erected in remembrance of JOHN ROUSE who died Oct 4th 1822 in the 89th year of his age "Go home my friends and shed no tears" is erected in remembrance of ANN relict of JOHN ROUSE who died July 10th 1830 aged 83 years "with patience resignation to give up Life's tempting bait for death's tremendous cup, Severest fangs no murmuring did abide" | photograph not yet available | |
John Rouse | JOHN ROUSE died January 16 1831 aged 60 years MARY ANN his wife died March 19th 1836 aged 51 years JOSEPH ROUSE died April 11 1831 aged 40 years THOMAS ROUSE died January 11 1851 aged 71 years ELIZABETH his wife died January 7th 1858 aged 76 years | photograph not yet available | |
John Rouse | In loving memory of JOHN ROUSE who died Oct XXVIII 1887 aged 80 years also of MARY, wife of JOHN ROUSE who died March XXVIII 1878 aged 67 years also NELSON JOHN, son of the above lost by the wreck of his vessel the EMILY B SOUDER off Cape Hatteras Dec 10th 1873 aged 38 years "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth good" 1 Sam iii 18 | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Rouse | Sacred to the memory of RICHARD son of JOHN and ANN ROUSE who after a severe affliction exchanged this mortal for an immortal state the 25th Day of September 1807 aged 24 years "Afflictions sore long time he bore Physicians were in wain He found no ease til God did please To ease him of his pain" | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Rouse | In loving memory of SARAH ROUSE who entered into rest January 11th 1915 aged 77 years "Peace perfect peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Rouse | here lyeth the body of THOMAS ROUSE ye husband of ELIZABETH ROUSE who departed this life January 22nd 1708 and in ye 45th year of his age "Remember man as thou pass by" | photograph not yet available | |
Wallace Rouse | In loving memory of WALLACE ROUSE (of Hose Lodge) son of John & MARY ROUSE and beloved husband of LYDIA ROUSE died Jan 28th 1917 aged 72 years "Peace after Pani" also of LYDIA wife of the above died Feb 16, 1928 aged 84 years | photograph not yet available | |
Ann Searcy | To the memory of ANN the wife of JOHN SEARCY and daughter of JOHN & TACY PEARS she died Nov 3rd 1822 aged 22 years "Afflictions sore long time I bore Physicians were in vain: Till God above did me remove And ease me of my pains" | photograph not yet available | |
Ann Shillcock | This stone is erected to perpetuate the remains of ANN, wife of HENRY SHILLCOCK who departed this life November 12th 1824 aged 68 years "Reader attend, prepare to meet thy God. seek pard'ning grace through Christs attoning blood In sufferings great, I sought and waited long Hoping at last to join the heav'nly throng" | photograph not yet available | |
Eliza Shilcock | (set in chancel floor) ELIZA SHILCOCK departed this life August VIIth 1817 aged 16 years | photograph not yet available | |
Frances Shilcock | In affectionate remembrance of FRANCES widow of the late HENRY SHILCOCK who departed this life April 23rd 1896 aged 92 years | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Shilcock | In affectionate remembrance of HENRY SHILCOCK who departed this life 1st May 1878 aged 80 years | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Shillcock | In memory of HENRY SHILLCOCK who exchanged this mortal for an immortal state the 5th day pf April 1811 in the 55th year of his age "Oh what is life, how mutable and vain An hour of pleasure and an age of pain Oh false and slippery state of human things What sad events on fatal moment brings Who can refrain to weep, or who can bear To lose a friend so kind and so sincere" | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Shilcock | (set in chancel floor) JOSh SHILCOCK departed this life August VIIth 1786 aged 40 years | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Shilcock | (set in chancel floor) JOSEPH son of JOSEPH & SARAH SHILCOCK who died Decr 20th 1818 in his infancy | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Shilcock | (set in chancel floor) JOSh SHILCOCK died Decr XXXIth 1838 aged 64 years SARh SHILCOCK died Novr XVIIth 1870 aged 92 years | photograph not yet available | |
Robert Shillcock | To the memory of ROBt SHILLCOCK who departed this life Dec XXXIst 1863 aged 83 years "I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord" Gen 49 18 To the memory of ANN, wife of ROBt SHILLCOCK who departed this life Nov 1st 1859 aged 77 years "The victory's won and thou are gone from sickness, sin and pain, nor dare I moan tho' all alone, tis thy eternal gain" | photograph not yet available | |
T. B. Shilcock | (set in chancel floor) T.B. SHILCOCK departed this life June XIXth 1853 aged 46 years | photograph not yet available | |
William Shillcock | Sacred to the memory of WILL.SHILLCOCK who-- aged ?years MARY? ANN relict of the above who died ? aged ? years | photograph not yet available | |
William Shillcock? | Sacred to the memory of WIL-- -EPH S..CK who --- aged--- SARAH?? | photograph not yet available | |
William Shipman | In loving memory of WILLIAM SHIPMAN who died at Hose Gramge July 19th 1908, aged 84 years "Rest in the Lord" also of MARY SHIPMAN wife of the above who died Aug 2nd 1920 aged 80 years | photograph not yet available | |
Ann Smith | In loving memory of ANN, wife of ISAAC SMITH died April 15th 1888 aged 48 years "erected by those who dearly loved her, they feel she is not lost but gone before" | photograph not yet available | |
George Smith | In loving memory of GEORGE SMITH who departed this life August 7th 1920 aged 67 years "rest after weariness, peace after pain" also JANE ANN SMITH died April 25th 1947 aged 91 years and ELLEN MARIA BONSER their daughter died July 12th 1938 aged 47 years "re-united" | photograph not yet available | |
Richard Henry Smith | In memory of RICHARD HENRY SMITH died Dec 8th 1949 aged 71 years also ISABELLA MARY wife of the above died June 16th 1921 aged 42 years also CATHERINE MARIA their daughter died Aug 10th 1910 aged 6 years "worthy of remembrance" | photograph not yet available | |
Ann Sparrow | Here lieth ye body of ANN SPARROW she departed this life the 16th day of November 1727 and in the 63rd year of her age She was the wife of THOMAS SPARROW senior | photograph not yet available | |
Sarah Spencer | In loving memory of SARAH the dearly beloved wife of JOHN SPENCER who died Jan 1st 1903 aged 67 years "Come unto me all ye who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest" also of JOHN SPENCER husband of the above who died April 28th 1924 aged 87 years | photograph not yet available | |
Gilbert Stevens | In memory of GILBERT STEVENS who died Dec 11th 1876 also MARY his wife who died Dec 17th 1857 aged 58 years | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Jane Stevens | Sacred to the memory of MARY JANE the beloved daughter of RICHARD & MARY STEVENS who died November 3rd 1880 aged 23 years "We cannot Lord thy purpose see, But all is well done by ---" | photograph not yet available | |
Catherine Stokes | Sacred to the memory of CATHERINE the beloved wife of WILLm STOKES who died April the ninth 1878 aged 76 years "rest in peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Stokes | Life how short Eternity how long Here lieth interred the body of ELIZABETH the wife of JOHN STOKES she departed this life March the 14th 1759 aged 32 years "O cruel death that would no longer spare.." | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Stokes | here lieth interred the body of ELIZABETH, wife of HENRY STOKES she died April the 24th AD 1782 aged 40 "a quiet neighbour, a loving wife, a tender mother, free from strife, the Lord has called her to sleep a while in mother in hope to rise.. In ever.." | photograph not yet available | |
Elizabeth Stokes | Erected in memory of ELIZABETH the wife of THOMAS STOKES who departed this life March 25th 1813 aged 60 years "Adieu bless'd woman, partner of myÉ" | photograph not yet available | |
Henry Stokes | This stone is erected in remembrance of HENRY STOKES who departed this life August 19th 1813 in the 7? | photograph not yet available | |
James Stokes | Sacred to the memory of JAMES STOKES who died Dec 16th 1870 in the 86th year of his age "for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all men be made alive" 1st Con Cn 15 v22 | photograph not yet available | |
Jane Anne Stokes | In loving memory of JANE ANNE STOKES died Nov 9th 1916 aged 81 years "rest in peace" | photograph not yet available | |
John Stokes? | possibly JOHN STOKES and ELIZABETH his wife | photograph not yet available | |
John Stokes | Here lieth interr'd the body of JOHN STOKES who departed this life April 14th 1774 aged 51 years "Mourn not dear wife, at my surprising death" | photograph not yet available | |
John Stokes | Beneath lie deposited the remains of JOHN STOKES who died Aug 13th 1830 aged 80 years "Stay, mortal, stay, remove not from this tomb Before thou hast consiidered well thy doom; In perfect health & strength I went from home, Not thinking that my glass was so near run" Beneath lie deposited the remains of ANN wife of JOHN STOKES who died Sept 9th 1829 aged 72 years "Let religion be your chiefest care Oh may we all for death---" | photograph not yet available | |
John Stokes | In memory of JOHN STOKES who died January 17th 1872 aged 92 years also ELIZABETH, wife of JOHN STOKES who died February 15th 1867 aged 81 years | photograph not yet available | |
John Reuben Stokes | In loving memory of JOHN REUBEN STOKES (JACK) the beloved son of JOHN RICHARD & EMILY STOKES who died Feb 28th 1920 aged 32 years "Swift to its close ebbs out lifes little day, Earths joys grow dim its glories pass away Change & decay in all around I see O thou who changest not abide with me" also EMILY STOKES mother of the above who died Sept 26th 1937 aged 84 years also JOHN RICHARD STOKES husband of the above who passed away June 20th 1946 aged 88 years "Re-united" | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Stokes | Here rests the body of MARY, the wife of HENRY STOKES who departed this mortal life Dec 22nd 1836 in the 78 year of her age | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Stokes | In faithful memory of one in life who was faithful MARY STOKES? daughter of WILLIAM STOKES (of this parish) who died 5th April 1904 aged 79 years this stone is erected by the family of SARGENT, formerly of WOOL-LAVINGTON, SUSSEX, with whom she had been associated for over 50 years M.S. 1904 (on footstn) | photograph not yet available | |
Mary Meggie Stokes | In loving memory of MARY MEGGIE STOKES? the ?love daughter of JOHN ?Richard who departed ?? aged?? | photograph not yet available | |
Matthew Stokes | In affectionate remembrance of MATTHEW STOKES who died Dec 4th 1883 aged 64 years "Peace perfect peace" MS on footstone | photograph not yet available | |
Reuben Stokes | Erected in memory of REUBEN STOKES who died Oct XXXth 1883 aged 60 years also MARY wife of the above who died June 7th 1905 aged 78 years "We sorrow not as those without hope" | photograph not yet available | |
Thomas Stokes | Erected to the memory of THOMAS STOKES who departed this life Nov 7th 1830 aged 85 yeaars | photograph not yet available | |
William Stokes | Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM STOKES who died SEP XVth 1870 aged 76 years "his days exceeded which God appointed unto man; Tho'smitten with afflictions rod when he this life began; he struggled hard to draw that breath, which does all life sustain; he watched and waited for that death, that freed him from all pain, oft he lay tossing to & fro, until the dawn of day until the angels came below & bore his soul away" | photograph not yet available | |
William Stokes | In memory of WILLIAM STOKES?of Clawson Bridge who died July 31st 1888 aged 74 years "We spend our years as a tale that is told" | photograph not yet available | |
William John Stokes | In loving memory of WILLIAM JOHN STOKES who died Nov 24th 1890 in the &6th year of his age "be ye therefore ready also; for the son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not"Luke XII 40 also of ELIZABETH wife of the above who died Jan 17th 1901 aged 67 years "thy will be done" | photograph not yet available | |
Samuel Sumner | I.H.S. to the memory of SAMl SUMNER who died July 5th 1821 aged 85 years MARGARET relict of Saml Sumner who died Jan 25th 1835 also ANN daughter of the above who died Jan 15th 1788 aged 3 years "May the divine assistance remain always with us, and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace" | photograph not yet available | |
Eliza Swain | In loving memory of ELIZA widow of the late CHARLES SWAIN who departed this life August 6th 1916 aged 76 years "Gone but not forgotten" | photograph not yet available | |
Lizzie Florence Swain | In ever loving memory of LIZZIE FLORENCE SWAIN who departed this life June 15th 1913 aged 44 years "In the midst of life, we are in death" | photograph not yet available | |
Charles Philip Tiley | In loving memory of The Rev. CHARLES PHILIP TILEY born 10th May 1826 died 31st May 1912 vicar of Hose From 1879? to--- | photograph not yet available | |
Freeman Tinsley | In loving memory of FREEMAN TINSLEY who died at Harby Dec 11th 1908 aged 78 years "He was so long with pain oppressed Which made him long for heavenly rest" also of MARTHA wife of the above who died Sepr 1st 1894 aged 61 years "Her memory is as dear today as in the hour she passed away" | photograph not yet available | |
John Willcock Watson | In loving memory of JOHN WILLCOCK WATSON who died Dec 13th 1893 aged 62 years "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" | photograph not yet available | |
Joseph Wells | Here lyeth ye body of JOSEPH WELLS the husband of ALICE WELLS he departed this life Aug the 2nd Anno Domini 1721 and in the 44th year of his age | photograph not yet available | |
William White | In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM WHITE who departed this life July 30th 1893 aged 71 years "therefore be ye also ready For in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh" also JANE the beloved wife of the above who departed this life March 27th 1900 aged 80 years"to die is gain" also EMMA--- | photograph not yet available | |
Edward Wlford | In loving memory of EDWARD WILFORD who departed this life October 19th 1892 aged 38 years "with patience to the last he did submit and murmured not at what the Lord thought fit"" also ADA MARY wife of the above died Oct 10th 1938 in her 78th year "Reunited" From her loving grandchildren | photograph not yet available | |
Ethel Clara Wilford | In loving memory of ETHEL CLARA the beloved child of EDWARD & ADA WILFORD died Jan 27th 188? Aged 7 months "Suffer little children to come unto me" In loving memory of PERCY the beloved child of EDWARD & ADA WILFORD died March 9th 1889 Aged 4 months "Of such is the kingdom of heaven" | photograph not yet available | |
James Wilford | In loving memory of JAMES WILFORD who died May 16th 1896 aged 79 years also ELIZABETH wife of the above who died Sept 30th 1896 aged 79 years "Thou shalt come to thy grave ina a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season" | photograph not yet available | |
John Williams | here lieth the body of JOHN WILLIAMS son of JOHN WILLIAMS and MARY his wife who died Jan 29th 1759 aged 32 | photograph not yet available | |
John Williams | In loving memory of JOHN WILLIAMS Vicar of the Parish 1902-1919 fell asleep Aug 5th 1920 aged 64 years "In the midst of life we are in death" In loving memory of MARY beloved wife of the Rev JOHN WILLIAMS, Vicar of Hose who fell asleep Dec 6th 1916 aged 51 years "Requiecat in Pace" | photograph not yet available | |