This list has been transcribed from the plan or from the inscriptions on the memorials, which is not always legible. The information is not yet complete, but we hope progress will be made. A ? shows where the writing was unclear. The Year of death and Age have been taken from the Grave Memorial Record forms (GMRF): these were recorded in 1984 by Richard Hunt, so are not complete. The Stone no. refers to the numbers on the Plan of the Graveyard, which was up-to-date in 2011.

You can scroll down the list with your mouse and click on a name to see the transcription of the memorial and a photograph: again this is not complete. To help find a name in the list, click on the "Edit" button of your browser, then click on "Find" and enter the name in the "Find" box that opens up.

NameYear of deathAge at deathStone no.GMRF no.
? 213
Adams Elizabeth 1818 29 132 94
Adams William 1837 18 131 93
Alcock Maria 1877 25 175 14
Alderman nee Hourd 236
Allen ?Pte??? 97
Allen Albert 214
Allen Alice 212
Allen George 181
Allen Henry 1918 19 97 132
Allen Thomas 212
Allen William 215
Allington JM? 328
Andrews Emily Jane 1876 36 6 44
Andrews Martha 1854 19 6 44
Austin 228
Ball JR 274
Bannister? CA Ashes? 279
Bannister? MA 279
Barwell Mary 1857 77 87 138
Barwell William 1842 52 87 138
Baxter ? 283
Baxter E 191
Baxter Gunner? 191
Baxter J 244
Baxter J 330
Baxter JW 331
Baxter K 244
Baxter M 330
Baxter MF 282
Baxter Reserved 283
Bennett F?G 254
Bennett RA 252
Bennett SE 254
Bennett VG 255
Bird Elizabeth 1907 86 15 28
Bissil Elizabeth 1850 86 34 170
Bissil John 1817 52 34 170
Bonser Ellen Maria 1938 47 104 125
Brewster William 1747 8 93? 145
Brooks B 259
Brooks J 259
Brooks TW? 288
Brown Mary 1862 84 103 124
Brown Robert 1854 56 103 124
Brown Rose? 208
Brown? J 260
Brown? P 260
Burdett FC 268
Burdett MJ 268
Burns T 290
Burns T 290
Burton Samuel 1877 55 14 32
Burton Susannah 1898 77 14 32
Callaghan William 1926 75 21 19
Campion Thomas 1712 38 1
Canham 309
Caunt ? 329
Caunt Eliza 1939 83 171 49
Caunt FR 293
Caunt JE 246
Caunt MA 246
Caunt MA 247
Caunt Mary 211
Caunt RW 247
Caunt RW 278
Caunt Thomas 211
Caunt Thomas William 1912 58 171 49
Caunt Wm 171
Chamberlain William 1744 53 ? 103
Chamberlain William 1759 37 ? 103
Chambers? Barry 189
Chambers? Kenneth 189
Clifford Per? 32
Clifft John 1731 54 179
Cooper Sarah 1919 69 18 27
Cooper Sarah 18 201
Corner Frances 1812 62 73 154
Corner John 1836 54 74 153
Corner John 72 155
Corner Robert 1889 78 64 163
Corner Sarah 1869 78 71 152
Coy Kathleen Brenda 180
Croft GE 295
Croft JF 338
Croft JFL 308
Cuttriss 262
Daft Alice 1877 92 134 105
Daft Stephen 1916 74 25 202
Dewey Edith Ellen 1969 84 27 201
Dewey George Ernest 1973 90 27 201
Dickinson B? 271
Dickinson V 271
Dilke Elizabeth 1761 80 2
Drake Frances 1849 21 59 186
Edgson Edward 1922 82 26 201
Edgson Hannah 1919 72 26 201
Edson Addie Kate 1893 4 28 199
Edson Lillias Elizabeth 1893 6 28 199
Edson Mary 1875 4 28 199
Fillingham Betsy? 1907 55 161 53
Fillingham Joseph 1852 8 161 53
Fillingham Katurah 1896 80 160 52
Fillingham Will 1857 41 159 51
Flannagan Ann 186
Flannagan John 186
Fortescue 237
Gale John 1785 26 34 160
Gale Mary 1767 35 34 160
Garratt John 1750? 60? 53 162
Garratt William 52? 161
Gibson ?rt 33
Gibson 240
Glaister GP 275
Glenn Eliza Georgina Ellen 1944 92 63 164
Glenn Frances 1841 58 62 165
Glenn Henrietta 1891 70 60 167
Glenn John 1879 73 60 167
Glenn Joseph 1820 38 62 165
Glenn Joseph Attwell 1912 68 63 164
Glenn Margaret Anna 1950 73 63 164
Glenn Ralph 1905 25 63 164
Godfrey Alice 1730 78 92? 143
Godfrey Dorothy 1763 32 88 140
Godfrey Elizabeth 1748 58 90 142
Godfrey Francis 1766 78 89 130
Godfrey Francis 1726? 87? 91 144
Godfrey Thomas 1757 24? 93? 141
Godfrey? Ann 1813 84 84? 139
Godfrey? Francis 1779 49 84? 139
Goodson Ann 1834 14 76 168
Goodson Ann 1791 47 75 169
Goodson James 1835 46 75 169
Goodson Mary 1834 10 76 168
Goodson Richard 1856 73 76 168
Goodson Richard 1811 67 75 169
Gregory PR 270
Hall BD 285
Hall F 285
Hallam AE 263
Hallam E 263
Hallam Ernest Walter 1917 22 172 11
Hallam GE? 281
Hallam John William 1917 9 172 11
Hallam Kathleen 1906 11 weeks 172 11
Hallam PW? 297
Hallam SR 281
Hayden Henry 1878 48 98 131
Hi?rst 253
Hill Harry 1880 2 177 16
Hill L 248
Hill ME 248
Hives Ann 1805 63 41 192
Hives Elizabeth 1816 16 38 193
Hives George 1830 59 38 193
Hives John 1815 79 41 192
Hives Richard 1800 19 41 192
Hives Richard 1821 18 38 193
Hives Ruth 1815 4 38 193
Hives Thomas 1919 baby 38 193
Hives Timothy 1814 8 38 193
Holmes Mary Ann 1855 baby 40 194
Holmes Sarah Maria 1867 9 40 194
Hourd Alice 1780 4 67 148
Hourd D 233
Hourd Edward 1872 39 86 137
Hourd Edward 192
Hourd F 234
Hourd Friday? 298
Hourd H 242
Hourd Henry 1848 26 66 147
Hourd John 203
Hourd John Tom? 195
Hourd Les? 298
Hourd Louis? 203
Hourd M 234
Hourd M? 261
Hourd Mary 1850 75 65 146
Hourd Mary 1811 56 67 148
Hourd Mary 1774 59 70 151
Hourd Mary Ann 1834 38 85 136
Hourd Mary Ann 1850 30 66? 147
Hourd Mary Elizabeth 192
Hourd Mary Maria 1897 65 86 137
Hourd Matthew 1848 75 65 146
Hourd P 233
Hourd Richard baby 67 148
Hourd Richard 1811 63 68 149
Hourd Richard 1795 78 70 151
Hourd Sam Morley 196
Hourd W 261
Hourd WC 273
Hourd William baby 67 148
Huckerby Ann 1843 2 7 46
Huckerby Ann 1881 72 101 122
Huckerby Dinah 1849 11 101 123
Huckerby Elizabeth 1840 75 102 123
Huckerby Francis? 1886 79 10 36
Huckerby James 1822 57 102 123
Huckerby Jane 1876 26 7 46
Huckerby Mary Maria 1888 79 10 36
Huckerby Thomas 1879 77 101 123
Huckerby Thos? ? baby 101 123
Hurd Richard 17?9 17 69 150
Hyne Kezia 1865 46 61 166
Hyne Philip 1870 30 61 166
Isaac Mary Ann 1901 58 170 48
Jacques Sybil 209
James Sarah 1879 88 5 41
James William 1870 84 5 41
Jesson Alfred Edward 22
Jesson Annie 1861 4 days 20 24
Jesson Arthur 1868 2 20 24
Jesson Eddward 1871 7 months 20 24
Jesson Fran. Edwd 1871 6 weeks 20 24
Jesson Francis 1862 5 weeks 20 24
Jesson GE 272
Jesson JohnEdwd 1867 5 weeks 20 24
Jesson Letitia 1883 43 23 26
Jesson MS 307
Jesson Thomas 1863 5 weeks 20 24
Jesson VM 272
Jesson 130
Julian Ann 1710 33 106 127
Julian Ann 1709 ? 106 203
Julian Edward 1918 83 166 54
Julian Mary 1918 88? 166 54
Julian Richard 1720 43 106 127
Keightley EC 286
Keightley GM 286
Keightley M 316
Kelham Sarah 1747 33 81 159
Key Elizabeth 1901 42 8 37
King Ann Maria 1934 84 17 30
King George 1905 60 17 30
King George 17 202
Knight J 276
Knight MA 276
Lambert 226
Lamin Ann 1815 71 117 109
Lamin Emily 1909 75 109 120
Lamin Esther 1872 80? 116 118
Lamin Henry 1808 72 117 109
Lamin Henry 1844 74 119? 110
Lamin Henry 1861 52 118? 111
Lamin Mary Esther 1863 16 120 112
Lamin Thomas 1885 26 109 120
Lamin William Thomas 1901 74 109 120
Lane John 179
Lane Lizzie 179
Littler Mary 1922 80 64 163
Long 264
Lovegrove Charlotte 1861 52 173 12
Lovell Thomas 1721 105 126
Mabbott Herbert 202
Mack Elizabeth 1919 22 2 43
Manchester Eliz 210
Manchester George 207
Manchester Jane 207
Manchester Thomas 210
Mann Charlotte 1930 68 3 45
Mann Elizabeth 1763 48 150 55
Mann John 1927 65 3 45
Mann William 1779 62 151 67
Mantle Ann 1924 75 161 53
Mantle Henry 1781 56 58 188
Mantle Joseph 108
Mantle Mary 1799 58 57 189
Mantle Mary 108
Mantle Thomas 1814 29 108? 119
Marriott Alfred 1850 7 31 200
Marriott Elizabeth 1699 5 96 133
Marriott Frances 1773 50 100 128
Marriott John 1871 21 19 29
Marriott Mary 1785 34 100 128
Marriott Mary 1851 5 31 200
Marriott Samuel ? ? 100 128
Marriott Thos? 1794 69 100 128
Marriott William 1874 57 31 200
Merey? CH 277
Morley Joseph 1873 54 145 76
Morris JM 299
Moulding TH 296
Moulds H 235
Moulds MA 235
Moulds Thomas 216
MS 139
Musson Elizabeth 1799 56 82 157
Musson Ester 1818 72 187
Musson Frances 59
Musson Henry 1779 77 81 158
Musson James 1827 60 135 106
Musson Mary 1769 60 81 158
Musson Sarah 1816 45 142 81
Musson Sarah 1849 64 59 186
Musson Thomas 1814 67 82 157
Musson William 77
Musson 257
Myers 130
Orson Ann 1742 53 155 72
Orson John 1736 22 155 72
Parker GG 291
Parnham Alice 17?? ? 114? 116
Parnham Henry 1726? 78? 115 117
Parnham John 1762 71 113 115
partner of Eric 250
Pask MV 302
Pears Hannah 1875 58 158 62
Pears Henry 1861 23 158 62
Pears James 1868 65 158 62
Pears John 1852 80 162 56
Pears Mary 1818 14 167 60
Pears Sarah 1852 2 158 62
Pears Tacy 1839 65 162 56
Pears Tacy 157
Philpotts Benjamin 1927 79 11 35
Philpotts Frances 1888 42 11 35
Piggin? William 1880? 66 16 31
Plaisted? Charles 182
Plaisted? Mary 182
Plant Caunt 183
Plant Clara 183
Pollard J W 295a
Preston Sarah Elizabeth 1905 50 130? 89
Preston TV 326
Pritchett 245
Raynes Alfred Morris 1??7 166 54
Raynes William Fillingham 1916 166 54
Rayns? 232
Renzi BEA? 306
reserved 200
Rimmington Edith 188
Rimmington Ellen 205
Rothwell 256
Rouse Ann 1830 83 48 177
Rouse Augustus 1866 25 45 181
Rouse Elizabeth 1858 76 48 180
Rouse Elizabeth 49
Rouse Frederick 204
Rouse James 1873 87 50? 175
Rouse John 1786 80? 52? 174
Rouse John 1822 89 48 177
Rouse John 1831 60 48 180
Rouse John 1887 80 44 182
Rouse Joseph 1831 40 48 180
Rouse Lydia 1928 84 47 178
Rouse Mary 1736 26 52? 174
Rouse Mary 1878 67 44 182
Rouse Mary Ann 1836 51 48 180
Rouse Nelson John 1873 38 44 182
Rouse Richard 1807 24 51 173
Rouse Robert Burton 1870 19 45 181
Rouse Sarah 1874 69 50? 175
Rouse Sarah 1915 77 43 183
Rouse Sarah 35
Rouse Thomas 1736 baby 52? 174
Rouse Thomas 1708 45 48 176
Rouse Thomas 1851 71 48 180
Rouse Violet 204
Rouse Wallace 1917 72 47 178
Searcy Ann 1822 22 164 58
Sharp F? 327
Sharpe AM 324
Shilcock Darah 1870 92 7
Shilcock Frances 1896 92 145 78
Shilcock Henry 1878 80 145 77
Shilcock Joseph 1786 40 5
Shilcock Joseph 1817 16 6
Shilcock Joseph 1838 64 7
Shilcock T B 1853 46 4
Shillcock ? 153
Shillcock Ann 1824 68 148 63
Shillcock Ann 1859 77 141 82
Shillcock Henry 1811 55 149 65
Shillcock Mary Ann 152? 68
Shillcock Rob 1863 83 141 82
Shillcock Will 152? 68
Shillcock? Sarah? 153? 69
Shillcock? William Joseph? 153? 69
Shipman Mary 1920 80 154 70
Shipman William 1908 84 154 70
Simons LW? 294
Smith Ann 1888 48 4? 42
Smith BM 269
Smith Catherine Maria 1910 6 39 195
Smith CH 269
Smith DS 238
Smith George 1920 67 104 125
Smith Isabella Mary 1921 42 39 195
Smith J 238
Smith Jane Ann 1947 91 104 125
Smith Richard Henry 1949 71 39 195
Sparrow Ann 1727 63 163 57
Sparrow Eliz 165
Spencer John 95 134
Spencer Sarah 1903 67 95 134
Stecko E 1924 87 284 134
Stecko I 284
Stevens Gilbert 1876 87 176 15
Stevens L? 305
Stevens Mary 1857 58 176 15
Stevens Mary Jane 1880 23 174 13
Stokes Ann 1829 72 ? 97
Stokes Catherine 1878 76 125 87
Stokes Elizabeth 1782 40 ? 88
Stokes Elizabeth 1891 67 123 90
Stokes Elizabeth 1759 32 133 95
Stokes Elizabeth 1867 81 124? 99
Stokes Elizabeth 1813 60 122? 101
Stokes Emily 1937 84 110 114
Stokes Henry 1813 70? 127 85
Stokes Jack 1920 32 110 114
Stokes James 1870 86 129 83
Stokes Jane Ann 1916 81? 107 121
Stokes John 1830 80 ? 97
Stokes John 1774 51 ? 98
Stokes John 1872 92 123? 99
Stokes John 1946 88 110 114
Stokes Mary 1904 79 143 74
Stokes Mary 1836 78 128? 84
Stokes Mary 1905 78 136 107
Stokes Mary Meggie ? ? 137 108
Stokes Matthew 1883 64 138 91
Stokes Reuben 1883 60 136 107
Stokes Thomas 1830 85 121 100
Stokes William 1870 76 126? 86
Stokes William 1888 74 112? 104
Stokes William John 1890 76 123 90
Stokes? Elizabeth ? 96
Stokes? John ? 96
Sumner Ann 1788 3 42 191
Sumner Margaret 1835 42 191
Sumner Samuel 1821 85 42 191
Swain Eliza 1916 76 12 34
Swain Lizzie Florence 1913 44 13 33
Szmicaruk? O 303
Tanner? BC 292
Tather & Mother 199
Tattah Carrie 1942 64 63 164
Thomas? VJ 287
Thurley AJ 332
Tickle PJS? 304
Tiley Rev Charles 1912 86 156 73
Tinsley Freeman 1908 78 9 38
Tinsley Martha 1894 61 9 38
vacant 266
vacant 267
vase 249
Wadsworth EW 301
Wadsworth FS 301
Watson John Willcock 1893 62 24 25
Wells Joseph 1721 44 ?99 129
White Jane 1900 80 169 50
White William 1893 71 169 50
White? Emma 169 50
Wilford Ada Mary 1938 78 30 197
Wilford Edward 1892 38 30 197
Wilford Elizabeth 1896 79 29 198
Wilford Ethel Clara 188? 0.7 30 197
Wilford James 1896 79 29 198
Wilford Percy 1889 0.4 30 197
Wilkinson A 289
Williams Barbara 206
Williams John 1920 64 ? 47
Williams John 1759 32 1 171
Williams Mary 1916 51 ? 47
Wilson JM 280
Wright James 1913 88 18 27
Wright M 300


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First Published: Jan 2014