The club follows the guidelines laid down by ProShare, with a formally adopted Constitution, an Annual General Meeting and Minutes of the monthly meetings. We use the services of Barclays Bank as stockbroker to trade on the market. Membership is currently restricted to 20 members, but as individuals despair, go bankrupt or leave for their chateaux on the Loire, vacancies arise and we are always hoping that someone in Hose can bring that insider information that will have us ordering another yacht.
We meet on the second Monday of each month at one of the local hostelries and usually spend much more than the monthly club subscription of £30. It also enables us to keep a eye on the quality of the local breweries. We run an annual competition for individual members to predict the best performing share, with the winner receiving a massive cash prize, but - more importantly - the plaudits and bemusement of the other club members.
The officers of the club for 2014-5 are:
- John Mace - Chairman
- Brian Keevil - Treasurer
- Steve Garlick - Secretary
If you are interested in joining us, contact one of them to express interest.